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Sun care innovation: an interview with Daniel Ionescu, CEO & founder of InstaSun


Bianca Iulia Simion

· 3 min read
Sun care innovation: an interview with Daniel Ionescu, CEO & founder of InstaSun
Learn about the inspiration behind InstaSun, how it addresses key challenges in the sun care market, and Daniel's vision for scaling the business.

Daniel Ionescu, Founder and CEO of InstaSun, has been a key player in the digital world, managing global SEO campaigns and leading teams to success across various markets. His expertise spans developing smart marketing strategies and providing consultancy for mergers and acquisitions. However, his latest venture, InstaSun, marks a significant milestone in his career, revolutionizing the way we protect our skin from solar radiation.

This 100% Romanian project integrates the latest technologies, energy sustainability, and eco-friendly products to provide fully automated, 360-degree sun protection. Launched in 2023 after extensive research and development, InstaSun offers a sun protection solution, applying sunscreen evenly to the entire body in just 7 seconds.

What ‘aha’ moment led to the founding of InstaSun?

The 'aha' moment for Instasun came during a summer vacation when I noticed how many people struggled with applying sunscreen evenly, if at all. I saw children with sunburned patches and realized that the process was not only cumbersome but often ineffective. The idea of an automated solution that could deliver perfect, even coverage in a matter of seconds struck me as a way to solve this problem efficiently. That's when the concept of Instasun was born – a device that could revolutionize sun protection by combining convenience, effectiveness, and innovation.

What was your drive back then, and what change did you aim to make?

Back then, my drive was rooted in the desire to make a meaningful impact on public health by reducing the risk of skin cancer and other sun-related skin issues. I aimed to change the way people approach sun protection – transforming it from a tedious chore into a seamless, automated experience. I wanted to ensure that everyone, regardless of age or skin type, could enjoy the outdoors safely without the hassle of applying sunscreen manually.

How does InstaSun's platform contribute to enhancing sun protection, and what specific market gap does it address?

Instasun enhances sun protection by providing an automated, touchless, and consistent application of sunscreen, ensuring even coverage across the entire body in just 7 seconds. This addresses a critical market gap where traditional methods often result in uneven application or are simply skipped due to inconvenience. Moreover, Instasun integrates sustainable energy solutions and eco-friendly products, aligning with the growing consumer demand for environmentally responsible innovations.

How do you scale InstaSun’s business model?

We scale Instasun’s business model through strategic partnerships with beach resorts, hotels, and public pools, where our machines can be deployed in high-traffic areas. We’re also exploring opportunities in urban environments, such as parks and outdoor events. Additionally, our dual revenue streams – direct sales from sun lotion application and advertising revenue from digital displays on the machines – provide a scalable, diversified business model that can be adapted to different markets globally.

How does InstaSun guide and empower users to make informed decisions about their sun protection needs?

Instasun empowers users by providing them with accessible and easy-to-understand information about their sun protection needs right at the point of use. Our machines are equipped with educational content on the importance of SPF, the dangers of UV exposure, and tips for safe sun practices. Users can choose from different SPF levels and after-sun care options, ensuring they are protected based on their skin type and environmental conditions.

What are potential exit scenarios for investors supporting InstaSun?

There are several potential exit scenarios for investors in Instasun. These could include a strategic acquisition by a larger company in the sun care, beauty, or outdoor lifestyle industries, particularly those looking to integrate innovative technologies into their product offerings. Another possibility is scaling the business to a point where we can consider an IPO, allowing investors to capitalize on the public markets. We’re also exploring franchise and licensing models, which could provide ongoing revenue streams for our investors.

How do you envision InstaSun's future growth?

I envision Instasun’s future growth as a global leader in automated sun care solutions. We plan to expand into new markets, starting with Dubai in October 2024, followed by strategic entries into other sunny regions. Our growth will also involve continuous innovation – from adding new features like UV monitoring to developing partnerships in the tech and wellness spaces. Ultimately, we aim to be synonymous with sun safety and outdoor advertising.

Do you have a mentor or figure whom you admire and draw inspiration from?

One figure who has always inspired me is Elon Musk. His relentless pursuit of innovation and his ability to turn bold ideas into reality, even in the face of significant challenges, is something I deeply admire. Musk’s vision of using technology to solve complex problems has been a guiding principle in my own journey with Instasun – striving to create a product that not only addresses a critical need but also pushes the boundaries of what’s possible.

Why should investors consider being part of InstaSun's journey?

Investors should consider being part of Instasun’s journey because we are uniquely positioned at the intersection of health, technology, and sustainability – three sectors that are poised for exponential growth. Our innovative product addresses a significant global need, with scalable potential in diverse markets. Moreover, our dual revenue streams offer stability and growth, while our commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency resonates with today’s conscientious consumers. Joining Instasun now means being part of a pioneering venture with the potential to make a global impact.

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