SeedBlink Blog


Weekly Digest: curated tech news & food for thought


Bianca Iulia Simion

· 3 min read
Weekly Digest: curated tech news & food for thought
Welcome to our weekly conversation starter.

A lot of interesting news to talk about. Scroll down for:

  • Primary Market: active opportunities
  • Secondary market updates
  • Investors resources picks

Active opportunities

🇺🇸 VC-Backed | AI & MobilityTech | ADASTEC extends its Series A round to scale its B2B/B2G solution of autonomous electric buses on a global scale.

🇬🇷 VC-Backed | Enterprise SaaS | MyTeam is raising up to €2M to help sports clubs to become profitable. With an ARR of €120,000, the Greek startup is backed by Eleven and Genesis Ventures.

🇦🇹 VC-Backed | SaaS | Klarsicht is raising €590,000 to scale its digital marketplace connecting opticians, manufacturers, and customers. Backed by ProSieben/Sat1 Group and GMPVC, offering €20.8M in marketing volume for equity after the round.

Liquidity on your terms

In H1 2024, the SeedBlink Secondary Market facilitated transactions totaling €240,588.61 across 58 deals. Investors who closed their negociation in Q2 2024 can expect to receive their documents for signature in July.

Check the H1 Secondary Market Report.

Investors resources pick

June Portfolio updates | Learn more

As we reach the end of Q2 and the midpoint of the year, we are excited to share updates from our portfolio companies. From Alcatraz and FLOWX.AI to Bonapp and Swisspod, startups continue to achieve significant milestones that we know you’ll appreciate.

AI Europe Report | Learn more

AI now accounts for it's largest ever share of European venture capital. European AI is extremely concentrated in the UK, France and Germany. These three make up 77% of European AI funding in 2023/34, compared to 59% for the rest of tech.

Mid-year outlook 2024 | Learn more

After decades of generally declining interest rates, low inflation and the rapid advance of globalization, we are facing a new reality of investing. Read about different scenarios in the years ahead.

The battle for your brain | Food for thought

Tech that aims to read your mind and probe your memories is already here. We need new rules to protect our cognitive liberty, says futurist and legal ethicist Nita Farahany.

3 takeaways from Tech Investors Academy

This week at Tech Investors Academy we looked closely at cross-border investments. Key takeaways:

  • Conduct thorough due diligence to understand a startup's reasons for seeking cross-border investments and assess the viability and potential risks.
  • Be aware of the significant challenges startups face in international markets, including local legal frameworks, market conditions, and liabilities in foreign countries.
  • A diverse group of investors, especially those with international experience, can provide valuable support and resources for startups looking to expand.

You can still register for Tech Investors Academy - join our self-paced, online course.

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