SeedBlink Blog


Weekly Digest: curated tech news & food for thought


Bianca Iulia Simion

· 3 min read
Weekly Digest: curated tech news & food for thought
Welcome to our weekly conversation starter.

A lot of interesting news to talk about. Scroll down for:

  • Primary Market: active opportunities
  • Secondary market updates
  • Investors resources picks
  • Events we can meet at

P.S. Only this March, activate your Club Membership with 50% OFF. Get access to investment tickets starting from just €1,000, lower investment fees, access to private rounds and a free invite to our Tech Investors Academy, using code WomenClub2024.

Primary Market: active opportunities

🇬🇧 VC-Backed | EdTech | NXTLVL is raising €2M to supercharge their soft skills training platform for kids. Backed by Metavallon, Lateralus Ventures, Genesis Ventures, and angel investors.

🇩🇪 Syndicate | Fintech | Corekees is raising up to €1M to facilitate profitable investment projects with a net positive impact.

🇷🇴 Community Stars | SaaS | Curiera is raising €400,000 to upgrade the courier industry in Romania by providing eco-friendly and efficient delivery solutions.

Explore 16 active rounds on the platform, from VC-backed to Community Stars.

🎙️Startup Insights Hour on March 19. Register here.

🎙️Community Stars Showcase on March 26. Register here.

Over €1.4M in transactions on the secondary market

Our Secondary Market has facilitated over €1.4M in transactions since its launch, bringing together a community of 400+ active participants. Whether you're looking to buy or sell, the Secondary Market is ready for you. Check the Bulletin Board.

Investors resources pick

Q1 portfolio companies news | Read more

The first quarter has set a strong pace for SeedBlink’s Portfolio companies, and we're excited to share their latest milestones.

Europe's leading start-up hubs 2024 | Read more

125 hubs underscore Europe's shift from aspiring to replicate Y Combinator to forging its own vibrant start-up ecosystem. Rockstart, InnovX and Techcelerator - our partners - among the mentions.

Future-critical skills for the AI era | Read more

"As a father of two young daughters, I want to equip my children with the skills and mindset to not only prepare for but also thrive in, an unpredictable future." says Michalis Gkontas.

The top 1% angel investing | Learn more

Here's a potential standard for “angel etiquette”: it begins with always putting yourself in the founder’s shoes — and leaving your ego at home.

The Dutch startup ecosystem | Read more

Ernst Rustenhoven, Principal at Slingshot Ventures, discusses the state of the Dutch startup ecosystem and the need for international cooperation.

Let's network

🇧🇬 Mar 20: Endeavor Early Risers Breakfast: Аll things Equity, Sofia

🇷🇴 Mar 28: Rubik Hub Crash Course on Cap Tables | Info

🇧🇪 Mar 21-11: FTI Supernova, Antwerp | Info

🇧🇬 Mar 26: Finance Summit: Investment, Technology, Innovation, Sofia | Info

🇦🇹 Apr 23: The Vienna Startup Conference, Vienna | Info

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