Trusted by a network of European companies and stakeholders
Our products
The toolbox for financing and equity management needed by European companies and their backers, regardless of stage.
Accelerate your financing journey with guidance, tools and the right vehicles. Bringing European investors and companies together.
From automated cap table and ESOP management to stakeholder governance, make equity strategic, not opportunistic.
Simplify deal creation, bring multiple investors under one line in the cap table, and access the right infrastructure for your company's needs.
Offer early liquidity to current and future shareholders, including employees with vested shares, in a fully digital environment.
Designed for the ones with skin in the game
Connect with top-tier, validated European tech startups. Access co-investment opportunities and diversify your portfolio through a variety of investment vehicles, including secondaries.
Gain clarity and credibility about your ESOP with SeedBlink's dedicated employee portal; accessible 24/7, privacy compliant and secured.
Why SeedBlink?
Our full product offering removes friction for managing your greatest asset, equity. From raising your first round to exploring liquidity scenarios, we help you do it right.
Localized equity solutions
Simplify your equity management plans with advanced tools that handle complex agreements like ESOPs, CLAs, and SAFEs, tailored to your local needs.
Connect with a premium network
Access a curated network of Europe’s leading angels, VCs, and family offices, and discover tech-savvy investors perfectly fit for your growth.
Best-in-class security
Our platform meets the highest standards in privacy and data-protection practices, including ISO27001.
Seamless platform transition
Move away from spreadsheets and enjoy a hassle-free migration to a platform that guides you every step of the way.
Ghidul fondatorului: navigând printre opțiunile de finanțare pentru start-up-uri
“Există atâtea variabile ale poveștii unei afaceri, variabile interne și externe, încât totul devine un joc între risc și return la care se adaugă foarte, foarte mult bun simț.”
Este absolut spectaculos ceea ce realizeaza Planurile de Participare in Actiuni pentru Angajati – ESOP – pentru oameni si companii.
Acestea le oferă angajaților șansa de a obține venituri considerabil mai mari, dar, mai important, ne transformă tuturor fundamental modul de gândire.
2024 ar trebui să fie mult mai bun după ce 2023 a fost cel mai slab an în privința finanțărilor de startup-uri din ultimii ani.
Pentru noi, 2022 și 2023 au reprezentat o oportunitate, deoarece am avut acces la mult mai multe proiecte mature, internaționale, pe care le-am putut evalua și filtra. În 2020-2021 lucrurile păreau un fel de „El Dorado” pe piața investițiilor în startup-uri tech.
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