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We zien je graag tijdens Upstream Festival in Rotterdam!

Nieuwe verbindingen, nieuwe ideeën, nieuwe zakelijke kansen. Dat is precies waarom Upstream Festival in het leven is geroepen.


We zijn verheugd om onze deelname aan Upstream Festival aan te kondigen, dat plaatsvindt in Rotterdam van 23 tot 25 mei 2023. Upstream brengt startups, scale-ups, investeerders, bedrijven, beleidsmakers en studenten samen om kennis en inspiratie uit te wisselen en een positieve impact te maken. Het evenement vindt plaats over meerdere dagen en biedt een verscheidenheid aan door partners gecreëerde sessies over drie belangrijke onderwerpen: toegang tot kapitaal, markten en talent.

Connect met onze teamleden op onze stand tijdens Capital Day (24 mei) om uw financieringsbehoeften en groeiplannen te bespreken.

Als onderdeel van het evenement organiseren we een live bijeenkomst genaamd Brewed to Perfection: Coffee & Tech Startup Talks, die plaatsvindt in het Elevatorhuis op 24 mei tussen 9:00 en 10:30 uur, speciaal bedoeld voor startup-oprichters. Het evenement zal gaan over uitgebreid aandelenbeheer en financieringsopties, inclusief hoe financiering te vereenvoudigen, ESOP & Cap table management, communicatie met aandeelhouders en investeerdersupdates.


Onze Regional Manager bij SeedBlink Benelux, Robbin Hoogstraten, zal zijn expertise delen over het helpen van startups en scaleups bij het vinden van de juiste investeerders zodat zij zich kunnen richten op hun bedrijf. Robbin was lange tijd werkzaam bij Symbid, 's werelds eerste crowdfunding platform dat in Rotterdam werd gelanceerd.

Naast Robbin bij Upstream is Bianca Simion. Met 8 jaar ervaring in marketing, regisseert Bianca de stem van SeedBlink in strategische aspecten, namelijk investeringsmogelijkheden, uitbreidingsplannen, productlanceringen en mijlpaalvieringen. Haar vroege betrokkenheid bij SeedBlink heeft haar een uitgebreid begrip gegeven van het tech startup ecosysteem. Het leiden van het marketing team, Bianca zorgt voor impactvolle initiatieven die zowel korte termijn resultaten als lange termijn groei opleveren.

Of u nu oprichter, aandeelhouder of eigenaar van een aandelenoptieplan bent, wij nodigen u uit om deel te nemen aan dit informatieve en boeiende evenement. Laten we connecten met elkaar als collega-ondernemers en leren van elkaars waardevolle inzichten over aandelenbeheer en financieringsopties.

GepubliceerdMay 03, 2023


Kom als eerste alles te weten over tech-trends, Europese groei, investeringen, en krijg exclusieve toegang tot alle middelen die door onze community worden aangeboden!

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As a startup founder, I am happy to witness SeedBlink’s dedication to expanding their support for early-stage companies beyond funding, towards a healthy equity management via Nimity. A solution to help better navigate relations with stakeholders, employees and future investors is needed in Europe. Less admin work and bringing transparency to the cap table are immediate benefits I was able to test.


Delia Iliasa

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SeedBlink is a transparent solution that connects entrepreneurs with great business plans, with investors, at different stages in their development. It is a great tool for us, a democratization of access to funding, I would say.


Ioan Iacob



We really loved the SeedBlink journey. We reached our fundraising goal within hours of launching. About 100 investors joined our vision and invested almost $2 million in FLOWX.AI through the Private Deal Room. At the same time, working with SeedBlink to prepare for the funding round was an excellent exercise for our entire team, and we received and felt the support from the SeedBlink team members who took on an advisory role.


Dan Vidrașcu



SeedBlink made the (investment) process run smoothly. We appreciate all the support SeedBlink's professional team has provided.


Tinu Bosinceanu

Founder and CEO

Upgrade Education

It's important to look for and choose a platform that you resonate with, that shares your mission with, a platform & its people with which you feel you can have good working relationships. we got an excellent relationship going forward; we talked a lot and we were in touch on a lot of matters and I think this was important. Having people who believe in your idea is of great help.


Kimmo Rytkönen

Founder and CEO


Running the financing round was like any other fundraising; we had to be active in our community as well as in SeedBlink's investor community. After the launch, everything happened very quickly, and SeedBlink organized several pitch events for investors, which we found very useful for the round momentum.


Svilen Rangelov

Founder and CEO


We immediately clicked with the SeedBlink team as their fundraising expertise was immediately obvious and their no-nonsense approach really appealed to us. After all, fundraising is only a means to an end, and we liked how the SeedBlink team was really focusing on supporting us and on getting things done.


Mihai Darzan



Our main expectation has been to raise the amount we were aiming for, and both rounds launched on Seedblink exceeded our targets, so we’re very happy with that! Even though the launched funding campaigns have been purely crowdfunding rounds, we are thrilled to actually receive extra support from some of the investors, who have chosen to get involved and help us generate product awareness, whenever they can.


Catalin Mester



I am recommending SeedBlink without hesitation, to every founder that raises capital, especially early-stage tech startups. SeedBlink is a crowd investment platform that will also provide their startup with visibility, for Angels and VCs.


Dragoș Iliescu

Founder and CEO


In the early stages, we have been funded by several early (angel) investors, and one and a half year ago through an equity crowdfunding campaign on SeedBlink. Of course, this impacted our growth in many positive ways, partly due to the cash influx that, evidently, was sorely needed, but in a larger part due to the fact that our responsibility towards our shareholders has become more stringent and explicit, becoming embodied in our market approach.


Costin Tudor

Co-founder and CEO


Given the accelerated growth we observed at the end of last year and the beginning of 2021, we want a new capitalization, quickly. This is a bridge round that we will use for one year, and the advantages that SeedBlink offers are the speed at which we were able to list for financing and the experience that we gain as a result of this public listing, similar to a listing on the stock exchange.


Diwaker Singh

Co-Founder & CEO


As a platform that only serves technology ventures, SeedBlink can connect the start-up with more than just money. SeedBlink investors are primarily technocrats who understand the objectives of the fundraising company and are also able to post-funding contribute with business opportunities. The minimum investment threshold, and technology focus, differentiates SeedBlink from other fundraising platforms. A perfect fit for a technology start-up seeking intelligent funding.


Florin Stoian

Co-Founder & CEO


SeedBlink boosted our brand exposure and facilitated the financial support we were seeking. Having a campaign on the platform allowed us not only to meet a team of professionals - that guided and helped us prepare the necessary materials - but also opened doors for increasing our brand awareness and have discussions with VCs & angel investors we have never reached before. This campaign gave us the encouragement we needed to push the product further, while the record-breaking fundraising (only 2 hours from the launch of the campaign!) was a great confirmation that our product is needed in this market and that we should continue innovating.


Raluca Jianu

CEO & Co-founder

Epic Visits

SeedBlink has created a vital ecosystem for startups at the beginning of their journey by equipping entrepreneurs with expertise, encouraging honest and sometimes uncomfortable but necessary discussions about risks and vulnerabilities through a suite of tools, and facilitating connections with investors who share the founders' vision and can contribute to their success. I have greatly appreciated the constant support of Eric and the entire team at all stages of the campaign. Thank you so much!

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