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Investor Profile: Victor Bica

Bianca Iulia Simion

Investor Profile: Victor Bica
"I am motivated by the idea of being part of a success story. Each of us now wants to be part of the next "UiPath"."

Victor Bică is one of SeedBlink's active investors. He is 37 years old, comes from Craiova and has been working in the automotive industry since 2008. He is specialized in quality & engineering consulting, and more recently in digitalization and IoT solutions. He does his best to keep up to date with everything that is happening in the field of startups and entrepreneurship in Romania, and he’s eager to develop new lines of business.

Hi Victor, thank you for accepting our invitation. What does it mean for you „to invest”?

For me, investing means extending my trust to a financial instrument that will create value in the future, both for me and for the company I am investing in.

Since when have you started investing in startups and how many companies do you have in your portfolio?

I started investing in 2020 when something unexpected happened and I got more spare time, like many others. Now I am on investment number 11 and I am in the analysis phase for the next one.

What lessons have you learned from your early investment experiences?

I can say that now I analyze the details of investments more technically, as opposed to the early investments which were perhaps a little emotional.

What motivates you to invest in startups?

First of all, it matters what problem it solves. If it's a healthcare startup, no matter what it solves, I would like to help people who need help.

Then I am motivated by the idea of being part of a success story, and here I mean Daniel Dines and what he has achieved with UiPath. Each of us now wants to be part of the next "UiPath".

What has been one of the best or most impactful investments you have made so far?

The best investment was investing in my education in engineering and then in entrepreneurship. I read and still try to read as much as I can in my free time about personal development, business, investing or biographies. Next is the investment in SeedBlink.

What do you look for when evaluating a startup - what are the most important aspects for you?

There are several aspects that go into the evaluation process, starting with the level of innovation for technology, the potential of the market it is aimed at, the team behind it, the medium and long-term sales strategy; last but not least, I assess if it is the right time for that company.

Do you think it is important to have a diversified investment portfolio?

Yes, because diversification reduces risks. Whether we are considering startups, stocks, real estate, bonds, cryptocurrencies or commodities, I believe that all of these need to be present in every investor's portfolio to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the individual's risk appetite and investment capacity.

Do you have any advice for a startup investor who is at the beginning of their journey?

Given the high risk and startup success rates statistics, invest only the money you can afford to lose.

What about for a founder applying for funding?

If you do not believe 200% in your idea, yourself and the team next to you, no one will.

What trend/vertical technology are you attracted to and why?

I am not attracted to anything in particular, but I keep an eye on Enterprise SaaS, FinTech and AI.

SeedBlink is a full-service investment platform that enables everyday and accredited investors to access curated European tech startups through equity crowdinvesting and angel syndicates. To learn more about startup investing and tech opportunities, sign up now. __

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